

Support for Django model fields built from enumeration types.

class django_enum.fields.BigIntegerFlagField(enum: Type[Enum] | None = None, primitive: Type[int | str | float | date | datetime | time | timedelta | Decimal] | None = None, bit_length: int | None = None, **field_kwargs)

Bases: FlagField, EnumPositiveBigIntegerField

A database field supporting flag enumerations with integer values that fit into 64 bytes or fewer

class_lookups = {'has_all': <class 'django_enum.query.HasAllFlagsLookup'>, 'has_any': <class 'django_enum.query.HasAnyFlagsLookup'>}

alias of _DatabaseDefault

class django_enum.fields.EnumBigIntegerField(enum: Type[Enum] | None = None, primitive: Type[int | str | float | date | datetime | time | timedelta | Decimal] | None = None, bit_length: int | None = None, **field_kwargs)

Bases: IntEnumField, BigIntegerField

A database field supporting enumerations with integer values that fit into 64 bytes or fewer

class django_enum.fields.EnumCharField(enum: Type[Enum] | None = None, primitive: Type[int | str | float | date | datetime | time | timedelta | Decimal] | None = None, bit_length: int | None = None, **field_kwargs)

Bases: EnumField[Type[str]], CharField

A database field supporting enumerations with character values.

empty_values = [None, [], (), {}]
property primitive

The most appropriate primitive non-Enumeration type that can represent all enumeration values. Deriving classes should return their canonical primitive type if this type is None. The reason for this is that the primitive type of an enumeration might be a derived class of the canonical primitive type (e.g. str or int), but this primitive type will not always be available - for instance in migration code. Migration code should only ever deal with the most basic python types to reduce the dependency footprint on externally defined code - in all but the weirdest cases this will work.

class django_enum.fields.EnumDateField(enum: Type[Enum] | None = None, primitive: Type[int | str | float | date | datetime | time | timedelta | Decimal] | None = None, bit_length: int | None = None, **field_kwargs)

Bases: EnumField[Type[date]], DateField

A database field supporting enumerations with date values.

get_db_prep_value(value, connection, prepared=False) Any

Convert the field value into the Enum type and then pull its value out.

See get_db_prep_value

property primitive

The most appropriate primitive non-Enumeration type that can represent all enumeration values. Deriving classes should return their canonical primitive type if this type is None. The reason for this is that the primitive type of an enumeration might be a derived class of the canonical primitive type (e.g. str or int), but this primitive type will not always be available - for instance in migration code. Migration code should only ever deal with the most basic python types to reduce the dependency footprint on externally defined code - in all but the weirdest cases this will work.

to_python(value: Any) Enum | Any

Converts the value in the enumeration type.

See to_python


value – The value to convert


The converted value


ValidationError – If the value is not mappable to a valid enumeration


Return a string value of this field from the passed obj. This is used by the serialization framework.

class django_enum.fields.EnumDateTimeField(enum: Type[Enum] | None = None, primitive: Type[int | str | float | date | datetime | time | timedelta | Decimal] | None = None, bit_length: int | None = None, **field_kwargs)

Bases: EnumField[Type[datetime]], DateTimeField

A database field supporting enumerations with datetime values.

get_db_prep_value(value, connection, prepared=False) Any

Convert the field value into the Enum type and then pull its value out.

See get_db_prep_value

property primitive

The most appropriate primitive non-Enumeration type that can represent all enumeration values. Deriving classes should return their canonical primitive type if this type is None. The reason for this is that the primitive type of an enumeration might be a derived class of the canonical primitive type (e.g. str or int), but this primitive type will not always be available - for instance in migration code. Migration code should only ever deal with the most basic python types to reduce the dependency footprint on externally defined code - in all but the weirdest cases this will work.

to_python(value: Any) Enum | Any

Converts the value in the enumeration type.

See to_python


value – The value to convert


The converted value


ValidationError – If the value is not mappable to a valid enumeration


Return a string value of this field from the passed obj. This is used by the serialization framework.

class django_enum.fields.EnumDecimalField(enum: Type[Enum] | None = None, primitive: Type[int | str | float | date | datetime | time | timedelta | Decimal] | None = None, bit_length: int | None = None, **field_kwargs)

Bases: EnumField[Type[Decimal]], DecimalField

A database field supporting enumerations with Decimal values.

get_db_prep_save(value, connection)

Override base class to avoid calling to_python() in Django < 4.

get_db_prep_value(value, connection, prepared=False) Any

Convert the field value into the Enum type and then pull its value out.

See get_db_prep_value

get_prep_value(value: Any) Any

By-pass base class - it calls to_python() which we don’t want.

property primitive

The most appropriate primitive non-Enumeration type that can represent all enumeration values. Deriving classes should return their canonical primitive type if this type is None. The reason for this is that the primitive type of an enumeration might be a derived class of the canonical primitive type (e.g. str or int), but this primitive type will not always be available - for instance in migration code. Migration code should only ever deal with the most basic python types to reduce the dependency footprint on externally defined code - in all but the weirdest cases this will work.

to_python(value: Any) Enum | Any

Converts the value in the enumeration type.

See to_python


value – The value to convert


The converted value


ValidationError – If the value is not mappable to a valid enumeration


Return a string value of this field from the passed obj. This is used by the serialization framework.

class django_enum.fields.EnumDurationField(enum: Type[Enum] | None = None, primitive: Type[int | str | float | date | datetime | time | timedelta | Decimal] | None = None, bit_length: int | None = None, **field_kwargs)

Bases: EnumField[Type[timedelta]], DurationField

A database field supporting enumerations with duration values.

get_db_prep_value(value, connection, prepared=False) Any

Convert the field value into the Enum type and then pull its value out.

See get_db_prep_value

property primitive

The most appropriate primitive non-Enumeration type that can represent all enumeration values. Deriving classes should return their canonical primitive type if this type is None. The reason for this is that the primitive type of an enumeration might be a derived class of the canonical primitive type (e.g. str or int), but this primitive type will not always be available - for instance in migration code. Migration code should only ever deal with the most basic python types to reduce the dependency footprint on externally defined code - in all but the weirdest cases this will work.

to_python(value: Any) Enum | Any

Converts the value in the enumeration type.

See to_python


value – The value to convert


The converted value


ValidationError – If the value is not mappable to a valid enumeration


Return a string value of this field from the passed obj. This is used by the serialization framework.

class django_enum.fields.EnumExtraBigIntegerField(enum: Type[Enum] | None = None, primitive: Type[int | str | float | date | datetime | time | timedelta | Decimal] | None = None, bit_length: int | None = None, **field_kwargs)

Bases: IntEnumField, BinaryField

A database field supporting enumerations with integer values that require more than 64 bits. This field only works for Enums that inherit from int. This field stores enum values in big endian byte order.

contribute_to_class(cls, name, private_only: bool = False)

Register the field with the model class it belongs to.

If private_only is True, create a separate instance of this field for every subclass of cls, even if cls is not an abstract model.

from_db_value(value: Any, expression, connection) Any

Convert the database field value into the Enum type.

See from_db_value

get_db_prep_value(value: Any, connection, prepared=False)

Convert the field value into the Enum type and then pull its value out.

See get_db_prep_value

get_prep_value(value: Any) Any

Convert the database field value into the Enum type then convert that enum value into the smallest number of bytes that can hold it.

See get_prep_value


True if the enum has negative values

class django_enum.fields.EnumField(enum: Type[Enum] | None = None, primitive: Type[int | str | float | date | datetime | time | timedelta | Decimal] | None = None, bit_length: int | None = None, **field_kwargs)

Bases: Generic[PrimitiveT], object

This mixin class turns any Django database field into an enumeration field. It works by overriding validation and pre/post database hooks to validate and convert any values to the Enumeration type in question.

  • enum – The enum class

  • strict – If True (default) the field will throw ValueErrors if the value is not coercible to a valid enumeration type.

  • coerce – If True (default) the field will always coerce values to the enum type when possible. If False, the field will contain the primitive type of the enumeration.

  • constrained – If True (default) and strict is also true CheckConstraints will be added to the model to constrain values of the database column to values of the enumeration type. If True and strict is False constraints will still be added.

  • args – Any standard unnamed field arguments for the underlying field type.

  • field_kwargs – Any standard named field arguments for the underlying field type.

_coerce_: bool = True
_coerce_to_value_type(value: Any) Any

Coerce the value to the enumerations value type

_constrained_: bool = True
_enum_: Type[Enum] | None = None
_fallback(value: Any) Any

Allow deriving classes to implement a final fallback coercion attempt.

_primitive_: PrimitiveT | None = None
_strict_: bool = True
_try_coerce(value: Any, force: bool = False) Enum | Any

Attempt coercion of value to enumeration type instance, if unsuccessful and non-strict, coercion to enum’s primitive type will be done, otherwise a ValueError is raised.

_value_primitives_: List[Any] = []
property coerce

False if the field should not coerce values to the enumeration type

property constrained

False if the database values are not constrained to the enumeration. By default this is set to the value of strict.

static constraint_name(model_class: Type[Model], field_name: str, enum: Type[Enum]) str

Get a check constraint name for the given enumeration field on the given model class. Check constraint names are limited to MAX_CONSTRAINT_NAME_LENGTH. The beginning parts of the name will be chopped off if it is too long.

  • model_class – The class of the Model the field is on

  • field_name – The name of the field

  • enum – The enumeration type of the EnumField

contribute_to_class(cls: Type[Model], name: str, private_only: bool = False)
deconstruct() Tuple[str, str, List, dict]

Preserve field migrations. Strict and coerce are omitted because reconstructed fields are always non-strict and coerce is always False.


Do not add enum to kwargs! It is important that migration files not reference enum classes that might be removed from the code base in the future as this would break older migration files! We simply use the choices tuple, which is plain old data and entirely sufficient to de/reconstruct our field.

See deconstruct

default_error_messages: Any

alias of ToPythonDeferredAttribute

property enum

The enumeration type

formfield(form_class=None, choices_form_class=None, **kwargs)
from_db_value(value: Any, expression, connection) Any

Convert the database field value into the Enum type.

See from_db_value

get_choices(include_blank=True, blank_choice=(('', '---------'),), limit_choices_to=None, ordering=())
get_db_prep_value(value, connection, prepared=False) Any

Convert the field value into the Enum type and then pull its value out.

See get_db_prep_value

get_default() Any

Wrap get_default in an enum type coercion attempt

get_prep_value(value: Any) Any

Convert the database field value into the Enum type.

See get_prep_value

property primitive

The most appropriate primitive non-Enumeration type that can represent all enumeration values. Deriving classes should return their canonical primitive type if this type is None. The reason for this is that the primitive type of an enumeration might be a derived class of the canonical primitive type (e.g. str or int), but this primitive type will not always be available - for instance in migration code. Migration code should only ever deal with the most basic python types to reduce the dependency footprint on externally defined code - in all but the weirdest cases this will work.

property strict

True if the field requires values to be valid enumeration values

to_python(value: Any) Enum | Any

Converts the value in the enumeration type.

See to_python


value – The value to convert


The converted value


ValidationError – If the value is not mappable to a valid enumeration

validate(value: Any, model_instance: Model | None)

Validates the field as part of model clean routines. Runs super class validation routines then tries to convert the value to a valid enumeration instance.

See full_clean

  • value – The value to validate

  • model_instance – The model instance holding the value


ValidationError – if the value fails validation


class django_enum.fields.EnumFieldFactory

Bases: type

Metaclass for EnumField that allows us to dynamically create a EnumFields based on their python Enum class types.

class django_enum.fields.EnumFloatField(enum: Type[Enum] | None = None, primitive: Type[int | str | float | date | datetime | time | timedelta | Decimal] | None = None, bit_length: int | None = None, **field_kwargs)

Bases: EnumField[Type[float]], FloatField

A database field supporting enumerations with floating point values

_fallback(value: Any) Any

Allow deriving classes to implement a final fallback coercion attempt.

_tolerance_: float
property primitive

The most appropriate primitive non-Enumeration type that can represent all enumeration values. Deriving classes should return their canonical primitive type if this type is None. The reason for this is that the primitive type of an enumeration might be a derived class of the canonical primitive type (e.g. str or int), but this primitive type will not always be available - for instance in migration code. Migration code should only ever deal with the most basic python types to reduce the dependency footprint on externally defined code - in all but the weirdest cases this will work.

class django_enum.fields.EnumIntegerField(enum: Type[Enum] | None = None, primitive: Type[int | str | float | date | datetime | time | timedelta | Decimal] | None = None, bit_length: int | None = None, **field_kwargs)

Bases: IntEnumField, IntegerField

A database field supporting enumerations with integer values that fit into 32 bytes or fewer

class django_enum.fields.EnumPositiveBigIntegerField(enum: Type[Enum] | None = None, primitive: Type[int | str | float | date | datetime | time | timedelta | Decimal] | None = None, bit_length: int | None = None, **field_kwargs)

Bases: IntEnumField, PositiveBigIntegerField

A database field supporting enumerations with positive (but signed) integer values that fit into 64 bytes or fewer

class django_enum.fields.EnumPositiveIntegerField(enum: Type[Enum] | None = None, primitive: Type[int | str | float | date | datetime | time | timedelta | Decimal] | None = None, bit_length: int | None = None, **field_kwargs)

Bases: IntEnumField, PositiveIntegerField

A database field supporting enumerations with positive (but signed) integer values that fit into 32 bytes or fewer

class django_enum.fields.EnumPositiveSmallIntegerField(enum: Type[Enum] | None = None, primitive: Type[int | str | float | date | datetime | time | timedelta | Decimal] | None = None, bit_length: int | None = None, **field_kwargs)

Bases: IntEnumField, PositiveSmallIntegerField

A database field supporting enumerations with positive (but signed) integer values that fit into 2 bytes or fewer

class django_enum.fields.EnumSmallIntegerField(enum: Type[Enum] | None = None, primitive: Type[int | str | float | date | datetime | time | timedelta | Decimal] | None = None, bit_length: int | None = None, **field_kwargs)

Bases: IntEnumField, SmallIntegerField

A database field supporting enumerations with integer values that fit into 2 bytes or fewer

class django_enum.fields.EnumTimeField(enum: Type[Enum] | None = None, primitive: Type[int | str | float | date | datetime | time | timedelta | Decimal] | None = None, bit_length: int | None = None, **field_kwargs)

Bases: EnumField[Type[time]], TimeField

A database field supporting enumerations with time values.

get_db_prep_value(value, connection, prepared=False) Any

Convert the field value into the Enum type and then pull its value out.

See get_db_prep_value

property primitive

The most appropriate primitive non-Enumeration type that can represent all enumeration values. Deriving classes should return their canonical primitive type if this type is None. The reason for this is that the primitive type of an enumeration might be a derived class of the canonical primitive type (e.g. str or int), but this primitive type will not always be available - for instance in migration code. Migration code should only ever deal with the most basic python types to reduce the dependency footprint on externally defined code - in all but the weirdest cases this will work.

to_python(value: Any) Enum | Any

Converts the value in the enumeration type.

See to_python


value – The value to convert


The converted value


ValidationError – If the value is not mappable to a valid enumeration


Return a string value of this field from the passed obj. This is used by the serialization framework.

class django_enum.fields.EnumValidatorAdapter(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

A wrapper for validators that expect a primitive type that enables them to receive an Enumeration value instead. Some automatically added field validators must be wrapped.


Return a 3-tuple of class import path, positional arguments, and keyword arguments.

wrapped: Type
class django_enum.fields.ExtraBigIntegerFlagField(enum: Type[Enum] | None = None, primitive: Type[int | str | float | date | datetime | time | timedelta | Decimal] | None = None, bit_length: int | None = None, **field_kwargs)

Bases: FlagField, EnumExtraBigIntegerField

Flag fields that require more than 64 bits.

contribute_to_class(cls, name, private_only: bool = False)

Add check constraints that honor flag fields range and boundary setting. Bypass EnumField’s contribute_to_class() method, which adds constraints that are too specific.

Boundary settings:

“strict” -> error is raised [default for Flag] “conform” -> extra bits are discarded “eject” -> lose flag status [default for IntFlag] “keep” -> keep flag status and all bits

The constraints here are designed to make sense given the boundary setting, ensure that simple database reads through the ORM cannot throw exceptions and that search behaves as expected.

  • KEEP: no constraints

  • EJECT: constrained to the enum’s range if strict is True

  • CONFORM: constrained to the enum’s range. It would be possible to

    insert and load an out of range value, but that value would not be searchable so a constraint is added.

  • STRICT: constrained to the enum’s range

class django_enum.fields.FlagField

Bases: object

A common base class for EnumFields that store Flag enumerations and support bitwise operations.

contribute_to_class(cls: Type[Model], name: str, private_only: bool = False) None

Add check constraints that honor flag fields range and boundary setting. Bypass EnumField’s contribute_to_class() method, which adds constraints that are too specific.

Boundary settings:

“strict” -> error is raised [default for Flag] “conform” -> extra bits are discarded “eject” -> lose flag status [default for IntFlag] “keep” -> keep flag status and all bits

The constraints here are designed to make sense given the boundary setting, ensure that simple database reads through the ORM cannot throw exceptions and that search behaves as expected.

  • KEEP: no constraints

  • EJECT: constrained to the enum’s range if strict is True

  • CONFORM: constrained to the enum’s range. It would be possible to

    insert and load an out of range value, but that value would not be searchable so a constraint is added.

  • STRICT: constrained to the enum’s range

enum: Type[Flag]
class django_enum.fields.IntEnumField(enum: Type[Enum] | None = None, primitive: Type[int | str | float | date | datetime | time | timedelta | Decimal] | None = None, bit_length: int | None = None, **field_kwargs)

Bases: EnumField[Type[int]]

A mixin containing common implementation details for a database field supporting enumerations with integer values.

property bit_length

The minimum number of bits required to represent all primitive values of the enumeration

property primitive

The common primitive type of the enumeration values. This will always be int or a subclass of int.

class django_enum.fields.IntegerFlagField(enum: Type[Enum] | None = None, primitive: Type[int | str | float | date | datetime | time | timedelta | Decimal] | None = None, bit_length: int | None = None, **field_kwargs)

Bases: FlagField, EnumPositiveIntegerField

A database field supporting flag enumerations with positive integer values that fit into 32 bytes or fewer

class_lookups = {'has_all': <class 'django_enum.query.HasAllFlagsLookup'>, 'has_any': <class 'django_enum.query.HasAnyFlagsLookup'>}
class django_enum.fields.SmallIntegerFlagField(enum: Type[Enum] | None = None, primitive: Type[int | str | float | date | datetime | time | timedelta | Decimal] | None = None, bit_length: int | None = None, **field_kwargs)

Bases: FlagField, EnumPositiveSmallIntegerField

A database field supporting flag enumerations with positive integer values that fit into 2 bytes or fewer

class_lookups = {'has_all': <class 'django_enum.query.HasAllFlagsLookup'>, 'has_any': <class 'django_enum.query.HasAnyFlagsLookup'>}
class django_enum.fields.ToPythonDeferredAttribute(field)

Bases: DeferredAttribute

Extend DeferredAttribute descriptor to run a field’s to_python method on a value anytime it is set on the model. This is used to ensure a EnumFields on models are always of their Enum type.

class django_enum.fields._DatabaseDefault

Bases: object

Spoof DatabaseDefault for Django < 5.0


alias of BigIntegerFlagField


Support for symmetrical property enumeration types derived from Django choice types. These choices types are drop in replacements for the Django IntegerChoices and TextChoices.

class django_enum.choices.DjangoEnumPropertiesMeta(classname, bases, classdict, **kwargs)

Bases: EnumPropertiesMeta, ChoicesMeta

A composite meta class that combines Django’s Choices metaclass with enum-properties metaclass. This metaclass will add Django’s expected choices attribute and label properties to enumerations and enum-properties’ generic property support.

property choices

For some eccentric enums list(Enum) is empty, so we override choices if empty

property names

For some eccentric enums list(Enum) is empty, so we override names if empty

class django_enum.choices.DjangoSymmetricMixin

Bases: SymmetricMixin

An enumeration mixin that makes Django’s Choices type label field symmetric.

_symmetric_builtins_ = ['name', 'label']
class django_enum.choices.FlagChoices(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: DecomposeMixin, DjangoSymmetricMixin, IntFlag, Choices

An integer flag enumeration type that accepts enum-properties property lists.

_all_bits_ = 0
_boundary_ = 'keep'
_ep_coerce_types_ = []
_ep_isymmetric_map_ = {}
_ep_symmetric_map_ = {}
_flag_mask_ = 0
static _generate_next_value_(name, start, count, last_values)

Generate the next value when not given.

name: the name of the member start: the initial start value or None count: the number of existing members last_values: the list of values assigned

_inverted_ = None
_properties_ = ['label']
_singles_mask_ = 0
label: str
class django_enum.choices.FloatChoices(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: DjangoSymmetricMixin, float, Choices

A floating point enumeration type that accepts enum-properties property lists.

_ep_coerce_types_ = []
_ep_isymmetric_map_ = {}
_ep_symmetric_map_ = {}
_properties_ = ['label']
label: str
class django_enum.choices.IntegerChoices(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: DjangoSymmetricMixin, IntegerChoices

An integer enumeration type that extends Django’s IntegerChoices and accepts enum-properties property lists.

_ep_coerce_types_ = []
_ep_isymmetric_map_ = {}
_ep_symmetric_map_ = {}
_properties_ = ['label']
label: str
class django_enum.choices.TextChoices(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: DjangoSymmetricMixin, TextChoices

A character enumeration type that extends Django’s TextChoices and accepts enum-properties property lists.

_ep_coerce_types_ = []
_ep_isymmetric_map_ = {}
_ep_symmetric_map_ = {}
static _generate_next_value_(name, start, count, last_values)

Generate the next value when not given.

name: the name of the member start: the initial start value or None count: the number of existing members last_values: the list of values assigned

_properties_ = ['label']
label: str


Support for django-filter

class django_enum.filters.EnumFilter(*, enum, strict=False, **kwargs)

Bases: TypedChoiceFilter

Use this filter class instead of ChoiceFilter to get filters to accept Enum labels and symmetric properties.

For example if we have an enumeration field defined with the following Enum:

class Color(TextChoices, s('rgb'), s('hex', case_fold=True)):
    RED = 'R', 'Red', (1, 0, 0), 'ff0000'
    GREEN = 'G', 'Green', (0, 1, 0), '00ff00'
    BLUE = 'B', 'Blue', (0, 0, 1), '0000ff'

color = EnumField(Color)

The default ChoiceFilter will only work with the enumeration values: ?color=R, ?color=G, ?color=B. EnumFilter will accept query parameter values from any of the symmetric properties: ?color=Red, ?color=ff0000, etc…

  • enum – The class of the enumeration containing the values to filter on

  • strict – If False (default), values not in the enumeration will be searchable.

  • kwargs – Any additional arguments for base classes


alias of EnumChoiceField

class django_enum.filters.FilterSet(data=None, queryset=None, *, request=None, prefix=None)

Bases: FilterSet

Use this class instead of django-filter’s FilterSet class to automatically set all EnumField filters to EnumFilter by default instead of ChoiceFilter.

_meta = <django_filters.filterset.FilterSetOptions object>
base_filters = {}
declared_filters = {}
classmethod filter_for_lookup(field: Field, lookup_type: str) Tuple[Type[Filter], dict]

For EnumFields use the EnumFilter class by default


Enumeration support for django model forms

class django_enum.forms.EnumChoiceField(enum: ~typing.Type[~enum.Enum] | None = None, primitive: ~typing.Type | None = None, *, empty_value: ~typing.Any = <class 'django_enum.forms._Unspecified'>, strict: bool = True, empty_values: ~typing.List[~typing.Any] | ~typing.Type[~django_enum.forms._Unspecified] = <class 'django_enum.forms._Unspecified'>, choices: ~typing.Iterable[~typing.Tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.Any] | ~typing.Tuple[str, ~typing.Iterable[~typing.Tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.Any]]]] | ~django_enum.forms._ChoicesCallable = (), coerce: ~django_enum.forms._CoerceCallable | None = None, **kwargs)

Bases: ChoiceFieldMixin, TypedChoiceField

The default ChoiceField will only accept the base enumeration values. Use this field on forms to accept any value mappable to an enumeration including any labels or symmetric properties.

class django_enum.forms.EnumFlagField(enum: ~typing.Type[~django.db.models.enums.Choices] | None = None, *, empty_value: ~typing.Any = <class 'django_enum.forms._Unspecified'>, strict: bool = True, empty_values: ~typing.List[~typing.Any] | ~typing.Type[~django_enum.forms._Unspecified] = <class 'django_enum.forms._Unspecified'>, choices: ~typing.Iterable[~typing.Tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.Any] | ~typing.Tuple[str, ~typing.Iterable[~typing.Tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.Any]]]] | ~django_enum.forms._ChoicesCallable = (), **kwargs)

Bases: ChoiceFieldMixin, TypedMultipleChoiceField

The default TypedMultipleChoiceField will only accept the base enumeration values. Use this field on forms to accept any value mappable to an enumeration including any labels or symmetric properties.


if no select value in post data:

if null=True, no choice is null. If null=False, no choice is Enum(0)

if select value in post data:

if null=True or False, no choice is Enum(0)

if strict=False, values can be outside of the enumerations

class django_enum.forms.FlagSelectMultiple(attrs=None, choices=())

Bases: SelectMultiple

A SelectMultiple widget for EnumFlagFields.

property media
class django_enum.forms.NonStrictSelect(attrs=None, choices=())

Bases: NonStrictMixin, Select

A Select widget for non-strict EnumChoiceFields that includes any existing non-conforming value as a choice option.

property media
class django_enum.forms.NonStrictSelectMultiple(attrs=None, choices=())

Bases: NonStrictMixin, SelectMultiple

A SelectMultiple widget for non-strict EnumFlagFields that includes any existing non-conforming value as a choice option.

property media


Specialized has_any and has_all query lookups for flag enumerations.

class django_enum.query.HasAllFlagsLookup(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Exact

Extend Exact lookup to support lookup on has all flags. This lookup bitwise ANDs the column with the lookup value and checks that the result is equal to the lookup value.

get_rhs_op(connection, rhs)
lookup_name = 'has_all'
process_lhs(compiler, connection, lhs=None)
class django_enum.query.HasAnyFlagsLookup(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HasAllFlagsLookup

Extend Exact lookup to support lookup on has any flags. This bitwise ANDs the column with the lookup value and checks that the result is greater than zero.

get_rhs_op(connection, rhs)
lookup_name = 'has_any'
process_rhs(compiler, connection)

Serializer Fields

Support for django rest framework symmetric serialization

class django_enum.drf.EnumField(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: ChoiceField

A djangorestframework serializer field for Enumeration types. If unspecified ModelSerializers will assign django_enum.fields.EnumField model field types to ChoiceFields. ChoiceFields do not accept symmetrical values, this field will.

  • enum – The type of the Enumeration of the field

  • strict – If True (default) only values in the Enumeration type will be acceptable. If False, no errors will be thrown if other values of the same primitive type are used

  • kwargs – Any other named arguments applicable to a ChoiceField will be passed up to the base classes.

enum: Type[Enum]
primitive: Type[Any]
primitive_field: Type[Field] | None = None
strict: bool = True
to_internal_value(data: Any) Enum | Any

Transform the incoming primitive data into an enum instance.

to_representation(value: Any) Any

Transform the outgoing enum value into its primitive value.

class django_enum.drf.EnumFieldMixin

Bases: object

A mixin for ModelSerializers that adds auto-magic support for EnumFields.

build_standard_field(field_name, model_field)

The default implementation of build_standard_field will set any field with choices to a ChoiceField. This will override that for EnumFields and add enum and strict arguments to the field’s kwargs.

To use this mixin, include it before ModelSerializer in your serializer’s class hierarchy:

..code-block:: python

from django_enum.drf import EnumFieldMixin from rest_framework.serializers import ModelSerializer

class MySerializer(EnumFieldMixin, ModelSerializer):

class Meta:

model = MyModel fields = ‘__all__’

  • field_name – The name of the field on the serializer

  • model_field – The Field instance on the model


A 2-tuple, the first element is the field class, the second is the kwargs for the field


A metaclass and converter for Django’s URL dispatcher to use with Python’s Enum class.

django_enum.urls.register_enum_converter(enum: Type[Enum], type_name='', prop='value')

Register an enum converter for Django’s URL dispatcher.

  • enum – The enumeration type to register.

  • type_name – the name to use for the converter

  • prop – The property name to use to generate urls - by default the value is used.


Utility routines for django_enum.

django_enum.utils.choices(enum_cls: Type[Enum] | None, override: bool = False) List[Tuple[Any, str]]

Get the Django choices for an enumeration type. If the enum type has a choices attribute, it will be used. Otherwise, the choices will be derived from value, label pairs if the enumeration type has a label attribute, or the name attribute if it does not.

This is used for compat with enums that do not inherit from Django’s Choices type.

  • enum_cls – The enumeration type

  • override – Do not defer to choices attribute on the class if True


A list of (value, label) pairs

django_enum.utils.decimal_params(enum: Type[Enum] | None, decimal_places: int | None = None, max_digits: int | None = None) Dict[str, int]

Determine the maximum number of digits and decimal places required to represent all values of the enumeration class.

  • enum – The enumeration class to determine the decimal parameters for

  • decimal_places – Use this value for decimal_places rather than the computed value

  • max_digits – Use this value for max_digits rather than the computed value


A tuple of (max_digits, decimal_places)

django_enum.utils.determine_primitive(enum: Type[Enum]) Type | None

Determine the python type most appropriate to represent all values of the enumeration class. The primitive type determination algorithm is thus:

  • Determine the types of all the values in the enumeration

  • Determine the first supported primitive type in the enumeration class inheritance tree

  • If there is only one value type, use its type as the primitive

  • If there are multiple value types and they are all subclasses of the class primitive type, use the class primitive type. If there is no class primitive type use the first supported primitive type that all values are symmetrically coercible to. If there is no such type, return None

By definition all values of the enumeration with the exception of None may be coerced to the primitive type and vice-versa.


enum – The enumeration class to determine the primitive type for


A python type or None if no primitive type could be determined

django_enum.utils.get_set_bits(flag: int | IntFlag) List[int]

Return the indices of the bits set in the flag.


flag – The flag to get the set bits for, value must be an int.


A list of indices of the set bits

django_enum.utils.labels(enum_cls: Type[Enum] | None) List[Any]

Return a list of labels to use for the enumeration type. See choices.

This is used for compat with enums that do not inherit from Django’s Choices type.


enum_cls – The enumeration type


A list of labels

django_enum.utils.names(enum_cls: Type[Enum] | None, override: bool = False) List[Any]

Return a list of names to use for the enumeration type. This is used for compat with enums that do not inherit from Django’s Choices type.

  • enum_cls – The enumeration type

  • override – Do not defer to names attribute on the class if True


A list of labels

django_enum.utils.values(enum_cls: Type[Enum] | None) List[Any]

Return a list of the values of an enumeration type.

This is used for compat with enums that do not inherit from Django’s Choices type.


enum_cls – The enumeration type


A list of values

django_enum.utils.with_typehint(baseclass: Type[T]) Type[T]

Change inheritance to add Field type hints when type checking is running. This is just more simple than defining a Protocol - revisit if Django provides Field protocol - should also just be a way to create a Protocol from a class?

This is icky but it works - revisit in future.